Capt. Dwayne Sprague, Sulphus Springs FD
Posted by Karl Clauss
on Jan 20, 2016
Captain Dwayne Sprague of the Sulphur Springs Fire Department had an important
message to members of the Commerce Rotary Club and the public. Captain Sprague
leads the High Water Rescue Team of Hopkins County and when asked he will also
employ in other counties such as Hunt County. When recent heavy rains created flood
conditions, his team was put in action to rescue a family on Highway 11 just east
of the bridge coming from Commerce, when their home was flooded. His team was in
of the bridge coming from Commerce, when their home was flooded. His team was in
chest high water and Captain Sprague near the entrance of the property was unaware
of a culvert below the high water which created tremendous suction and he narrowly
escaped being pulled under, which would have probably caused his death.
His message was, that even in just six inches of rushing water over a roadway can cause
His message was, that even in just six inches of rushing water over a roadway can cause
an automobile to be dragged away - do not attempt to cross. His team of up to eight
firemen have had too many rescues which have resulted in injuries and fatalities.
His was a public message, don't gamble with your life and take chances.