The beautiful pool and well-groomed golf course at Webb Hill Country Club at Wolfe City served as the backdrop for the 91st annual Commerce Rotary installation dinner.
The meeting was called to order by outgoing president Jalinna Jones at 7:00pm, where the first order of business was a delicious dinner.

A number of rotarians were honored for their perfect attendance records over the past year, and in some cases, the past few years.

Longevity awards were also presented, with Commerce Rotary's longest continuous member, Russell Armstrong being recognized for having achieved a full quarter-century with this club.

The Rotarian of the Year award was presented to PR Chairperson and webmaster Jerrod Knight.

Past president Mike Roberts also received recognition for his spirit of service both to the club, it's members and committees, and to the community.

The evening concluded with the swearing in of the new (or returning) officers, which included:

  • Dr. Lavelle Hendricks, president
  • Karen Starks, president elect
  • Gladys Gray, corresponding secretary
  • Carolyn Trezevant, secretary
  • Jalinna Jones, sergeant-at-arms