Archeological expedition to the Holy Land
Posted by Karl Clauss

Archeological expedition to the Holy Land
Our speaker for Wednesday, May 28 was Randy Daw, minister of the Johnson Street Church of Christ in Greenville. Mr. Daw is also a member of the Greenville Daybreak Rotary Club. He spoke about insights gained from an archeological expedition to the Holy Land in May 2013. During that trip Mr. Daw served as a worker for an archeological excavation in Tamar, a fortress built around a spring with a 3,500 year history. He recounted how that evidence was found that Tamar was a stop along a copper trade route from mines in Jordan to Jerusalem during the times of David and Solomon. Mr. Daw also participated in the production of an upcoming documentary called "Searching for Solomon," which presents evidence from all over Israel that Solomon was indeed the wealthy and powerful king portrayed in the Old Testament. Following the presentation supported by many pictures, club members were able to engage with Daw in a lively question and answer session.