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Welcome to the Commerce Rotary Club Website.  We meet every Wednesday at noon at the Lions For Christ building at the Church of Christ on Culver St. in Commerce.  We are very active in our community and help to raise money for the Northeast Texas Children's Museum, the Commerce Public Library, Communities in Schools and scholarships for deserving high school seniors. 
Each year, we honor those who exemplify the Rotary Motto of Service Above Self by installing over 200 flags in the City Park. Each flag has the name and information of one of our local Veterans or First Responders. This moving tribute is offered at no expense to the family members each November.  Our Residential Flag Program is for anyone who lives in the city limits.  The cost is $35 per year and we place flags for Memorial Day, Flag Day, July 4th, Labor Day and Veteran's Day.  
This year, we launched The Rotary Satellite Club of Commerce to End Human Trafficking in oreder to raise awareness, promote education, and coordinate resources so that we can bring this darkness into the light and make a difference in our community.
We'd love to have you join us and learn more about how you can join with us and create change both in our community and in the world.